When you want to grow your small business, it’s extremely important that you utilize some form of online marketing. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t have a website and social media accounts. You may feel hesitant about diving into online marketing because of the costs associated with many tactics, but it’s okay to smart small. We offer some tips on how to market your small business online—as a bonus, all of them are budget friendly.
1. Know Your Demographic
One of the most important aspects of marketing is knowing the details about your intended demographic. This information will determine how you should craft your ads, as well as the sites you may target. There are a few different ways you can reach the right customers.
2. Invest in Email Marketing
Of the different paid advertisement types, email marketing is definitely one of the more affordable options. It can cost businesses around a couple hundred dollars a month, but it has the potential to generate a substantial ROI—many businesses earn nearly $40 for every $1 they invest.
3. Have a Website
This may seem obvious, but some business neglect putting up a website, or they have one and completely ignore it. A functional website, however, plays an integral role in effectively growing your business. This is where customers can learn more about what you have to offer, and they can easily contact you with any questions. Since many individuals do much of their browsing from their phone, make sure you have a mobile-friendly website.
4. Build a Blog
Another important aspect of a business’s website is a blog. Google loves useful content, and its algorithm will recognize keywords, which may increase your website’s ranking. If you want to truly optimize your blog, know that Google likes bullet points and lists. It’s also important to note that, while keywords are important, you may get penalized if you stuff your content with them.
5. Have a Facebook
A Facebook page allows customers to see what’s new with your business, interact with you, and post positive reviews. When you build social media accounts, you can use them to link back to each other to build awareness. If you find Facebook works well for you, you can eventually promote your business on the site.