The Many Hidden Dangers of Social Media

Social media has a lot of benefits, one of which is that it makes things easier—easy communication, easy business advertisements, easy growth. But the various advantages of social media should not overshadow its hidden dangers. Any technology that makes it so easy to display personal information—photos, locations, stories, et cetera—comes with risks that can heavily affect one’s life.


People have been talking about cyberbullying for years now, but people continue to defame others behind the comfort of their screens. Cyberbullying severely impacts people, whether they’re in high school or adults in the workforce. Derogatory comments and unkind memes—whatever the case may be—can cause irreparable damage to the target’s reputation and psyche. The convenience of social media allows bullies to post and share harmful content, making cyberbullying a huge danger of social media use.

Inability to Socialize

As social media use continues to rise, people’s inability to communicate has also risen. People are so used to communicating through text and Facebook posts that their face-to-face communication skills have suffered. But human interaction is what we should constantly strive for, as it promotes empathy, connection, and human relationships. Instead of commenting on Instagram, try saying something kind in person to witness and participate in the incredible interaction that comes from it.

Dating Apps

Many dating apps do a poor job protecting user information and even fail to implement strict age parameters. In fact, “About 1 in 7 kids have been sexually solicited online.” Because of this, both children and adults can fall victim to social media solicitation crimes. We recommend you extensively research each app you use and familiarize yourself with the associated terms and conditions. If you’re serious about dating, it might be in your best interest to skip the apps and hire a professional matchmaker instead.

Culture of Comparison

One of the main hidden dangers of social media is the negative impact it can have on an individual’s mental health. This can come from comparing oneself to others, which can lead to depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many other mental health issues. Scrolling through others’ photos, life updates, and travels produce a “less-than” feeling for a lot of individuals, which can severely impact how an individual sees their worth.
This article is not to tell you to stop using social media. Rather, this information is intended to help you use social media with mindfulness and intention. Pay attention to your mental needs and try your best to put yourself in safe situations.