What Is a Smart Factory?
A smart factory refers to the utilization of modern technologies and innovations in the realm of smart manufacturing. It employs computer-based systems to adapt and change designs rapidly, process digital information, and optimize the supply chain. This leads to more efficient production and a flexible workforce. Unlike previous automated techniques, smart manufacturing uses intelligent automation and interoperable network systems to increase data storage and manage supply chains. This can handle large data sets easier and react to orders or changes faster.The Current Impact on Manufacturing
Given its reliance on new technologies, smart factories have changed manufacturing significantly. Smart manufacturing relies on what’s called the industrial internet of things (IIoT). This refers to the interconnected sensors, instruments, and machines networked via a computer’s industrial applications. This is to increase integration and data storage through cloud software and computational metrics to track workflow. The interconnectivity allows for more efficient data processing to enhance the flow of production. Additionally, the various benefits of industrial robots has tremendously improved production rates and speeds. Many robots work with humans to evaluate sensory input and solve problems. They are flexible and can reconfigure to handle different problems when needed.More so, industrial robots ensure a safer work environment. This is because less error on the manufacturing floor mean less accidents. Also, robots can handle different high-risk applications that too dangerous for humans, such as high temperatures, exposure to certain materials, or other occupational hazards that humans cannot handle.