If you ever hid a post on the timeline of a page, you might have found it difficult to find out how to unhide the post.
#1. Look for the Activity Menu (second from left) at the top of the page, just below the blue Facebook bar.
#2. Click on the word "Activity" and you will see the Activity Log on the right two-thirds of the page. If you see you hidden page, click on the little "DO NOT ENTER" simple on the right. When you click on the symbol, you will see a drop down menu. Uncheck "Hidden from Page."
If you don't see the hidden page entry keep scrolling down ...
#3. Scroll down to the bottom of the activity log. When you get to the bottom of the page, you will see two sentences.
"End of notifications. View Activity Log for older activity." The words "Activity Log" are linked text ...
#4. Click on the linked text "Activity Log" and you will see older post activity. When you find you the hidden post, follow the instructions in #2 above.