How to Care for Your Video Game Consoles

The days of Xbox’s circle of death might be behind us, but that doesn’t mean video game consoles are invincible. A video game console can be quite the investment, especially with the next generation of technology on the way, which is just one reason why you should take care of it. For some tips, learn how to care for your video game consoles ahead.  

Allow Air to Circulate 

A common mistake many gamers make with their video consoles is not allowing for air to circulate. Video game consoles require a lot of firepower to work properly and it’s important for them to remain cool. Therefore, place your video game console on a TV stand that has an open back. Also, avoid keeping anything on top of or underneath your video game, as this can also keep it from having circulating air flow.   

Remove Any Dust or Grime 

Another good way to take care of your video game console is to remove dust or grime by keeping regularly cleaning it. Simply use a duster, microfiber cloth, or Swiffer to carefully remove any dust that might have gathered on your video game console. As for any grime, you can use a conservative amount of cleaning solution to wipe the console down. Be sure to keep any liquid drinks away from your console at all times and use disinfectant wipes on your video game controllers too.  

Be Cautious When You Move It 

You are bound to move your video game console at some point, and this is when a lot of damage can occur. First things first, make sure your console is off and unplugged when you are moving it, as well as making sure there is no disc inside. Moving it while a disc is inside the console can make your game unplayable. If you haven’t thrown out the box your console came in, also keep on hand as well, or invest in a console transport case. If you are transporting your console in a vehicle, make sure to place it on the floor or on a flat surface and don’t pile items on top of it.  
It’s important to know how to care for your video game console so you can keep playing for a long period of time and potentially get a good price if you ever decide to sell it.